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The Registered General Nursing programme is a six-semester (three year) Diploma programme that prepares the individual to give general nursing care in the hospital and the community. The programme is opened to both sexes.
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ItemA patient/family care study on diabetes mellitus(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Adomah VictorThe patient and family care study is a complete detailed written report of the nursing care to rendered comprehensive service to a patient and his family chosen by the literate student nurse and nursed over a specified period of time. The patient and family care study assist final year student nurses to get the knowledge acquired in their study areas such as public health, Psychiatry, medicine, obstetrics, surgery, gynaecology, sociology and paediatrics nursing to give effective nursing care to a patient. The study also assists the student nurse to render holistic care to patients by nursing each and every patient as an individual. It also helps the student nurse to know much and acquire more Knowledge into the specific condition, their presentations and how they are treated. The patient and family care study forms part of the final assessment of the student nurse at the End of the three (3) years training program before the Registered General Nurses Diploma Certificate is awarded to him/her by the Nurses ‘and Midwifery Council(NMC) of Ghana. The study utilizes the nursing process, which is a systematic approach to nursing care taken to care for an individual and the steps include Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of all data collected on patient and the family to ensure an effective nursing care.The patient and family care study also serve as a means to establish an effective nurse/patient relationship and away of collaborating with other health care team members.
ItemA Client/ Family Centered Maternity Care Study on Madam Yussif Zulfawo(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2022-08-01) Henrietta Akua SerwaaThe client/family centered maternity care study is a systematic approach used in giving holistic obstetrical care to a pregnant woman and her family from the period of antenatal, labour and puerperium. With the new changes in customer needs and patient charter, it helps the student midwife to acquire the right kind of approaches to care for the pregnant woman. Some of these approaches are, explaining procedure to the client to gain the client’s consent, providing privacy and getting the family involved in the care. The maternity care study helps the student midwife to acquire knowledge which can be used to solve any problem associated with pregnancy, labour and puerperium. The competence of the student midwife is also tested in the practical aspect through the maternity care study which the student uses to identify both short- term and long-term problems, set objectives for these problems and give intervention that will help her solve them. The main reason for carrying out this care study is to reduce maternal and infant mortality rate and to promote the health of the baby and mother, including the family. It is in this view that the World Health Organization (WHO) develops the partograph in managing the first stage of labor. Using this tool assists the midwife to identify any complication of labor for prompt intervention. The student midwife during this care study gets the chance to use the partograph to enable her to become competent in using it. Finally, the client/family centered maternity care is an obligation for every final year student midwife as a requirement by the nursing and midwifery council of Ghana in partial fulfillment towards the award of registered midwifery certificate.
ItemA client/family care study on acute gastritis(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Boseah Sandra MitchellPatient/family care study is a detailed account of nursing care rendered to the client and family to meet their health needs. The study is carried out to enable the student nurse put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired from the three-year training period in school to ascertain how best the theoretical knowledge could be used to nurse patient who will come under his/her care. The study enables the student nurse to utilize the knowledge and skills acquired from the various courses in medical, surgical, public health, and paediatric nursing to give effective nursing care to client, with reference to his/her condition. It also helps the student nurse to acquire more knowledge and insight about a specific disease condition. This forms part of the final assessment of the student nurse at the end of the three-year training programme before the award of a Registered General Nursing license by the Nursing and Midwifery’ Council of Ghana.
ItemA client/family centered care study on gastroenteritis(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Asante Jennis OseiNursing as a profession has improved throughout history evidenced by transformation in the practice, the type of care givers, the roles and the changing of policies. Nursing has become a profession of caring and provision of services for those in need, health promotion of individuals, their family and the entire community as a whole. The patient/family care study gives a detailed account of the nursing care rendered to the patient and family to improve their health. This study is designed to provide complete nursing care to both the patient and family from the day of admission to the time of discharge and after that follow ups and home visits are done for continuity of care. Patient care study involves a recording data, documenting and analyzing information and reporting results of nursing care. Patient/family care study is based on holistic care, considering all the factors that impact the health of the patient. The patient/family care study forms an integral part of the nursing curriculum for educating students and is necessary for completing the nursing course and also a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of professional license by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana to students pursuing diploma in nursing in the country. Using the nursing process in caring for a patient, emphasis is based on health promotion, maintenance, and the restoration of health or caring for the patient until a peaceful death depending on the patient’s condition. The nursing process is a series of organized steps designed for nurses to provide excellent care. This involves five phases, including assessing patient/family, making a diagnosis for patient/family, planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care. This study also gives students the opportunity to practice acquired knowledge to provide effective nursing care to the patient based on the condition.
ItemA client/family centered care study on sickle cell disease(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Opoku Boahen CindyVirginia Henderson (1960-1964) defined nursing as assisting the individual whether sick or well in the performance of those activities contributing to health or peaceful death that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge and to do this in such way to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible. Nursing care has evolved from just caring for the sick and the dying, to an era of assisting people who seek health guidance and counseling, as well as promoting the health of individuals, their families and the entire community. There has also been an extension of care to the sick person’s family and community, at large, in all aspects of health care. The Patient/ family care study is a detailed account of nursing care rendered to the Patient and family to meet their needs. The study is designed to give a comprehensive nursing care to both patient and family from the time of admission till when patient is finally discharged to go home, as well as follow-ups or home visits for continuity of care, hence care study has become mandatory for every final year student offering the Registered General Nursing (Diploma) programme. This is a pre-requisite for the partial fulfillment for the award of license to practice as a Registered General nurse by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) for Ghana. The study also involves the nursing process which involves assessment of patient/ family, planning of care to be rendered, implementing the plan and evaluating care rendered to patient/ family. The patient and family care study helps to broaden the scope of knowledge of the student nurse. It helps the student nurse to put his theoretical knowledge and skills acquired through training together to give a comprehensive care to patient and family. The patient and family care study also enhances the interpersonal relationship of the student nurse as he constantly communicates with the patient, relatives, friends and other health team in the various units of the hospital to provide comprehensive care of the patient. For the purpose of confidentiality and security reasons, my patient’s identity will not be disclosed; hence Miss B.S. will be used to represent patient’s name throughout the script.
ItemA client/family centered maternity care study on madam Naomi Kwakye(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Esther YeboahThe client/family centered maternity care study is a systematic process in which nursing care is given to a pregnant woman and her family and the community, beginning from antenatal period through to labour and puerperium. The client/family centered maternity care study also help the student midwife to use new trends in midwifery like the pathography which is recommended and tested by the World Health Organization (WHO)in the management of labour. As health is an essential factor of life and everyone dreams of enjoying it, the family centered maternity care aims at helping these mothers and their families realize their dreams. This client centered maternity care helps the client/family to allay any anxiety during the pregnancy through to and the time of puerperium. In this event, the care given is to give special attention to the pregnant woman as unequaled individual who is care for in all facet of life including social, psychological, physical as well as mental well-being which is considered within the framework of the family, and community at large. The client/family centered maternity care study enables the pregnant woman to through pregnancy without any complication to herself and her unborn baby, have an uneventful labour and successful puerperium. Confidentiality was ensured throughout the duration of care to the client.
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Diabetes Mellitus(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Bismark KyeremehNursing started with the use of traditional medicine and other practices which were not guided or proved by theories or technology. The above trend of nursing was practiced by many great legends in nursing which include Florence Nightingale and Virginia Henderson.But currently, it is ensured that patients are nursed with a system in which theoretically and technologically based care are adopted. Hence, care study is adopted in a sense that patients are nursed using the nursing process which comprises of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation as a criteria and principle in nursing. Patient / Family care study is a detailed written account of the comprehensive nursing care given to a particular patient within a specific period of time.The main objective of the study is to meet the physical, psychological, spiritual and socio economic needs of the patient. The nursing process approach has been adopted in Ghana since 1980 to promote an individualized total patient care.The care is designed to promote, maintain and prolong life as well as alleviating discomfort and meet patient’s psychological needs.The care study offers the student nurse an opportunity to acquire much knowledge about the condition being catered for and to put into practice the knowledge acquired throughout the three years of training in giving of effective nursing care to patient and family.It also offers the student nurse an opportunity to practice the nursing process of giving quality care to patients based on the specific health needs. In this work, patient/family initials are used instead of full names to maintain confidentiality. The nursing process which comprises of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. Finally, it forms part of the final assessment of the student nurse at the end of the three years training programmed by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana for the license to practice as a Registered General Nurse in the country
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Acute Appendicitis(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Justice Owusu AcheampongNursing care has broadened from care of the sick to care of the people both in sickness and in health and also extend to the patient’s family and community at large in all aspects. During the 19th and 20th centuries however, nursing developed as there were many wars, arousal of social consciousness and increased educational opportunities offered to women and the enormous role played by Florence Nightingale that cannot be over emphasized. The training of nurses in diploma program, licensing of nurses, specialization of hospitals and diagnosis, development of baccalaureate and advance degree programs and scientific and technological development as well as social changes marked this period. More than ever, today’s nurses need to think critically, creatively, and compassionately to reach out to all.An approach used in nursing today, the nursing process, is achieved through functional team nursing. The nursing process is a series of organized steps designed for nurses to provide excellent care; it is also a scientific method used by nurses to ensure the quality of patient care. This approach can be broken down into five separate steps namely; assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation.Patient/Family care study is a detailed account of nursing care rendered to a patient and his or her family within a specific period of time. The interaction between the patient and his or her family, the community and the health team are involved in the planning and implementation of the care given to the patient to meet his or her physiological, spiritual, psychological and socio-economic needs.The patient and family care study helps student nurse to identify patient and family problems so as to be able to formulate appropriate interventions. This enables the student nurse to look into the disease condition to be able to put to use the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired to provide holistic nursing care including health education to the patient and family.Finally, the patient and family care study is part of the final assessment of the student nurse by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana for the award of license to practice as a professional registered general nurse. To ensure confidentiality patient’s initials have been used instead of her name
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Bronchopneumonia(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Yeboah JenniferNursing as a profession today has gone through a lot evolution through time to be the profession it is today. In the past, nursing was not tough; it wasn’t until the 1800's that nursing became an organized practice. During the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale and 38 volunteer nurses were sent to the main British camp in Turkey. Nightingale and her staff immediately began to clean the hospital and equipment and reorganized patient care. Nightingale pushed for reform of hospital sanitation methods and invented methods of graphing statistical data. Nightingale’s work led to drastic changes in army medical care, the establishment of an Army Medical School and medical records, and ignited the growth of nursing as an organized profession. For these contributions, Nightingale is widely accepted as the founder of nursing.The nursing profession gained much recognition and support from civilians during this time, at long last realized as the tremendous asset to medical care that nurses truly are. In the early 1900's, nursing education was received primarily from hospitals rather than colleges or universities. The training of nurses in diploma program, licensing of nurses, specialization of hospitals and diagnosis, and advance degree programs and scientific and technological development are been offered today. This has aided to improve the quality of health services being delivered by the use of the nursing process. This involves the designation of nursing strategies and interventions required to prevent, reduce or eliminate patient/family health problems. Nursing care has evolved from just caring for the sick and the dying, to an era of assisting people who seek health guidance and counselling, as well as promoting the health of individuals, their families and the entire community. There has also been an extension of care to the sick person’s family and community, at large, in all aspects of health careThe patient/family care study forms part of the assessment of every final year student. It is a prerequisite for every candidate in order to partially fulfill the award of diploma certificate in Registered General Nursing by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. It affords the student the opportunity to develop his/her skills for future use. The patient/family care study is a detailed account of the nursing care rendered to the patient and family from the day of admission through the day of discharge, review and follow up visits. The comprehensive care rendered was made possible by the employment of skills and knowledge in such disciplines as psychology, public health nursing, medical nursing, surgical nursing, pharmacology and nutrition and dietetics to meet the patient/family’s needs and the community at large. This study helps the student nurse to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout his/her studies. It also helps the student nurse to have a wide knowledge in behaviors and attitudes of human beings and also builds the interpersonal relationships of the student. The study serves as a reference paper for other student nurses and qualified health personnel who may be interested in its content
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Bronchopneumonia(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Vida Anane FrimpomaaThe patient and family care study are a detailed written account or report of the comprehensive individualized nursing care rendered to a particular patient and family within a specific period of time. This study is carried out to enable the student nurse put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired from the three (3) year training period in school to ascertain how best the theoretical knowledge could be used to nurse patients who will come under his or her care. Nursing care rendered to the patient to meet his or her physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. It involves the interaction between the patient, family, thecommunity in which he or she stays and the health team. The importance of the care study is to help the student nurse exhibit the skills and knowledge acquired from his or her training from the classroom into practice.It involves the holistic and comprehensive nursing care to the patient and family within the time of admission to the time of discharge or to a peaceful death and continues with follow-up care after discharge. It is in this context that the nursing process, which includes assessment, analysis, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation are employed.The care study also helps the student nurse to acquire more knowledge on the diagnosis, causes, clinical features, complications and management of the specific disease condition studied by the student. The care study therefore helps the student nurse to have the opportunity to initiate and implement patient care. The patient and family care study is an academic exercise carried by the final year student as part of the requirement for the award of a professional license to practice by the Nurses’ and Midwives’ Council of Ghana. During the study, patient and family’s initials were used instead of their full names for anonymity and confidentiality
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Gastroenteritis(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Adu Patrick JosephNursing is a professional health service that is directed towards the promotion and maintenance of health, treatment and prevention of diseases and the restoration of optimal functioning of the individual, family and communities. To be able to meet the various needs of patients and family, and thus give quality care to them, nursing care has moved from task-oriented approach to giving of total or individualized care involving both patient and family. Patient/Family care study is carried out by student nurses to enable them put into practice the knowledge and skills which they have acquired from the three-year training period in school. This is to ascertain how best the theoretical knowledge could be used practically to help patient get the effective nursing care. It helps the student nurse to encounter the patient closely, understand his/her condition and identify problems of the patient. It is satisfactory to both the nurse and patient, that is, the patient becomes satisfied with the care rendered to him or her. The student nurse also feels happy upon being able to achieve his or her goal. The study serves as a requirement for the award of a professional license to practice by the Nurses and Midwives council of Ghana. Patient/Family initial have been used instead of their full names to ensure privacy and confidentiality as part of the ethics of the Nurses and Midwives Council.
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Gastroenteritis(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Ebenezer NyameThe patient /family care study is a project work carried out by the final year student as a partial fulfilment for the award of Diploma Certificate in Nursing by the Nurse’s and Midwives Council of Ghana.The significance of the study is to help the student nurse exhibit the skills and knowledge acquired from his or her training from the classroom into practice. The care also helps the student nurse to acquire more knowledge on the signs and symptom, diagnosis, causes and management of the specific disease condition studied by the student.The care study therefore helps the student nurse have the opportunity to initiate and implement patient care. It is in this vein that the nursing processes which include assessment, analysis, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation is employed
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Peptic Ulcer Disease(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Emelia Takyiwaa BasowaThe patient and family care study is a study on patient with a particular disease condition. The study is based on the nursing process which has the assessment, analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation to be its components which follows a systematic method. Nursing is a health care profession which focuses on the care on individual, family and the communities so that they attain optimal health and quality of life from conception to death. In the past, nursing was basically about caring for the sick. Also, it did not require any formal training before one was permitted to practice until the era of Florence Nightingale. Since the period of Florence Nightingale, nursing has gone through tremendous educational transformation such as the use of research and scientific data in the performance of the various roles in ensuring quality health care. The study provides knowledge and understanding of the cause, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of the patient’s condition. It gives an account of the actual nursing care rendered to a patient and her family from the time of admission until time of discharge. The study forms part of the academic requirement on obtaining the Registered General Nursing Certificate awarded by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. It offers the student nurse the chance to put into practice the theoretical knowledge and experiences gained during the period of training. It broadens the knowledge of the student nurse in terms of a particular disease condition and its management. The study helps the patient /family to comprehend and gain insight into the condition. Finally, it builds a good cordial relationship between the nurse and patient /family as well as other members of the health team. The confidentiality of the patient and family were ensured by the use of patient and family initials instead of their full names.
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Peptic Ulcer Diseases(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2022-08-01) AGYAA ANNAPatient and family care study is a report primarily about the care rendered to a patient and family with the aid of the nursing process. The care last for a period of time from the time of meeting the patient on the ward till discharge through home visit till care is terminated. This study helps in broadening the knowledge of the student nurse on the nursing process which serves to provide a systematic methodology of nursing practice. It also helps the student nurse unify, standardize and direct nursing practice. The study also helps the student nurse to be abreast with the necessary care given to patients, emphasizing health promotion, maintenance and restoration or enhancing a peaceful death, depending on the patient‘s condition. The study again, is an academic exercise that forms part of the requirement for an award of Certificate by the Nurses’ and Midwives’ Council of Ghana to practice as a Registered General Nurse. During the study, a student nurse is required to give comprehensive details of a particular patient and family which include assessment of the patient and family to enable the student to set goals and objectives for proper implementation. Due to the comprehensive care plan given, the student nurse becomes equipped with information on the patient’s condition.
ItemA client/family centered nursing care study on severe Anaemia(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Priscilla AgyeiwaaThe nursing profession has developed throughout history seeing a lot of transformation inpractice, type of caregivers, role and policy. Nursing has become a profession of caring and service to those in need, promoting the health of individuals, their families and the entire community. The patient/family care study is a detailed account of nursing care rendered to the patient and family to meet their needs. The study is designed to give a comprehensive nursing care to both patient and family from the time of admission till when patient is finally discharged,as well as follow-ups/home visits for continuity of care. The study provides a systematic way of collecting data, analyzing information, and reporting the results of nursing care. This patient/family care study is based on holistic care, considering all factors impacting the health of the patient.The patient/family care study forms an integral part of the curriculum for educating nursing students hence a necessity for completing the nursing course and also a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of professional license by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. Using the nursing process in caring for a patient, emphasis is placed on health promotion and maintenance, restoration of health and enhancing a peaceful death depending on the patient’s condition. The nursing process is a series of organized steps designed for nurses to provide excellent care. This involves five phases, including assessing patient/family, making a diagnosis for patient/family, planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care. The nursing process offers a framework for thinking. The nursing process usually uses the NANDA taxonomy. The study is carried out to enable the student nurse put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired from the training period in school to ascertain how best the theoretical knowledge would be used to nurse patients who will come under his or her care in the near future. Initials were used instead of full name to maintain confidentiality and anonymity. The study serves as a reference paper for other student nurses and qualified health personnel who may be interested in its content
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Severe Malaria(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Mary BoakyeThe nursing profession has developed throughout history seeing a lot of transformation inpractice, type of caregivers, role and policy. Nursing has become a profession of caring and service to those in need, promoting the health of individuals, their families and the entire community. The patient/family care study is a detailed account of nursing care rendered to the patient and family to meet their needs. The study is designed to give a comprehensive nursing care to both patient and family from the time of admission till when patient is finally discharged, as well as follow-ups/home visits for continuity of care. The study provides a systematic way of collecting data, analyzing information, and reporting the results of nursing care. This patient/family care study is based on holistic care, taking into account all factors impacting the health of the patient. The patient/family care study forms an integral part of the curriculum for educating nursing students hence a necessity for completing the nursing course and also a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of professional license by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. Using the nursing process in caring for a patient, emphasis is placed on health promotion and maintenance, restoration of health and enhancing a peaceful death depending on the patient’s condition. The nursing process is a series of organized steps designed for nurses to provide excellent care. This involves five phases, including assessing patient/family, making a diagnosis for patient/family, planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care. The nursing process offers a framework for thinking. The nursing process usually uses the NANDA taxonomy. The study is carried out to enable the student nurse put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired from the training period in school to ascertain how best the theoretical knowledge would be used to nurse patients who will come under his or her care in the near future. Initials were used instead of full name to maintain confidentiality and anonymity. The study serves as a reference paper for other student nurses and qualified health personnel who may be interested in its content
ItemA client/family centered Nursing care study on Sickle Cell Anaemia(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Georgina Akweley AkuettehMany people believed that „Nursing‟ started with Florence Nightingale, however nursing itself dates back to the beginning of motherhood when nurses were traditionally females. The history of nursing has its root from the care of infants and children, so all mothers were nurses. The word nursing derives its meaning form the latin word “nutricus” which means nourishing. According to Henderson (1960), nursing is defined as theunique function of the nurse, to assist the individual either sick or well in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery or to a peaceful death that he or she would have performed unaided if he or she has the necessary strength, will or knowledge. The history of nursing first started to become more defined with Christianity when Christians cared for the sick, fed the hungry and buried the dead. Hence, it was said that the history of nursing is tied to the church. Florence nightingale came in the scene in 1860, when it became more obvious that love and nurturing alone were not enough to cure diseases. She fulfilled her dream concerning nursing by establishing the Nightingale Training School for Nurses. It was the first formal, fully organized training program for nurses. In this 21st century, many nursing schools were established to help build on the previous skills and experiences that were acquired through long years of housekeeping, assisting in child bearing and care of sick relatives. Nursing practice was based on intuitions, observations and experiences and was focused towards diseases and illness in the olden days. However, today, there is increasing recognition of people‟s need for health care. This has placed nursing at a level where much emphasis is placed on research and the use of scientific data at the bedside. The patient family care study has to do with rendering nursing care to a patient and his/her family. It is made up of the interaction between the patient/family and health team with a specified time frame until the termination of the patient care. The study is based on the nursing process which has the assessment, analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation to be its components which follows a systematic method and it works consistently. The study forms part of the academic requirement on obtaining the Registered General Nursing Certificate awarded by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. Patients name is not mentioned in the study for confidentiality‟s sake, it is rather the initials that are used. The study is programmed to aid the student nurse to practically apply the nursing process in the care of the patient and apply the knowledge acquired in medicine, surgery, pharmacology, basic nursing, anatomy and all other field of health in the care of the patient. It also helps to enlighten and broadens the knowledge of the student nurse in terms of a particular disease condition and its management, the confidence level too is boosted in order for the student nurse to discharge his/her duties. Finally, a cordial relationship is established between the nurse and patient /family as well as other members of the health team.
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Sickle Cell Disease(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2022-08-01) FORIWAA MILLICENTThe scope of nursing keeps changing with each passing day. The word nursing derives its meaning form the latin word “nutricus” which means nourishing. According to the Henderson (1960), nursing is defined as the unique function of the nurse, is to assist the individual either sick or well in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery or peaceful death that he or she would have performed unaided if he or she has the necessary strength, will or knowledge. Many people believed that Nursing started with Florence Nightingale, however nursing itself dates back to the beginning of motherhood when nurses were traditionally female. The history of nursing has its The history of nursing first started to become more continuous and defined with Christianity when Christians cared for the sick, fed the hungry and buried the dead. Therefore, it was said that the history of nursing is tied to the church. When it became apparent that love and nurturing alone were not enough to cure disease, the need for a more educated frame work for nurses began to form. As a result of this, Florence nightingale in 1860, fulfilled her dream concerning nursing by establishing the Nightingale Training School for Nurses. It was the first formal, fully organized training program for nurses. In this 21st century, many nursing schools have been established to help build on the previous skills and experiences that were acquired through long years of housekeeping, assisting in child bearing and care of formal sick relatives. In the olden days, nursing practice was based on intuitions, observations and experiences and was focused towards diseases and illness. Today, however, there is increasing recognition of people’s need for health care. This has placed nursing at a level where much emphasis is placed on research and the use of scientific data at the bedside. The patient family care study entails rendering nursing care to a patient and his/her family. It involves the interaction between the patient/family and health team with a specified time frame until patient’s care is terminated. The study is based on the nursing process which has the assessment, analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation to be its components which follows a systematic method and it works consistently. The study forms part of the academic requirement on obtaining the Registered General Nursing Certificate awarded by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. For confidentiality sake patient’s name will be in initials. The study is designed to enable the student nurse to practically apply the nursing process in the care of the patient and apply the knowledge acquired in medicine, surgery, pharmacology, basic nursing, anatomy and all other field of health in the care of the patient. It helps broadens the knowledge of the student nurse in terms of a particular disease condition and its management, and build the confidence of the student nurse in the discharge of his/her duties. Finally, it builds a good cordial relationship between the nurse and patient /family as well as other members of the health team.
ItemA Client/Family Centered Nursing Care Study on Sickle Cell Disease(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Doris Danny AnsahModern science has charged to a comprehensive and individual nursing care of patient by means of employing new techniques in the professional nursing. It plays a unique role in the health sector in that, it demands a blend of sensitivity care commitment and skills base on knowledge and in its application. Nursing started with the use of traditional medicine and other practices which were not guided or proved by theories or technology. The above trend of nursing was practiced by many great legends in nursing which include Florence Nightingale and Virginia Henderson.But currently, it is ensured that clients are nursed with a system in which theoretically and technologically based care are adopted. Hence, care study is adopted in a sense that clients are nursed using the nursing process which comprises of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation as a criteria and principle in nursing.Patient and family care study involves the collection of data from patient by using the problem solving approach to find out patients’ problems, the causes of the problems and to render a comprehensive and competent nursing care to the patient using the nursing process approach. It involves detailed written account of the holistic nursing care rendered to the patient and herfamily. It also involves and creates a good professional but cordial relationship between the patient, family community, and the health team. The patient/family care study forms part of the assessment of every final year student. It is a prerequisite for every candidate in order to partially fulfill the award of diploma certificate in Registered General Nursing by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. It affords the student the opportunity to develop his/her skills for future use. The patient/family care study is a comprehensive account of the comprehensive and competent nursing care rendered to the patient and family from the day of admission through the day of discharge, review and follow up visits.The confidentiality of the patient and family were ensured by the use of patient/family initials instead of their full names.The comprehensive care rendered was made possible by the employment of skills and knowledge in such disciplines as psychology, public health nursing, medical nursing, surgical nursing, pharmacology and nutrition and dietetics to meet the patient/family’s needs and the community at large.
ItemA descriptive assess to study the knowledge and prevalence of tramadol abuse among students of Presbytarian Senior High School,Berekum(Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2022-09-01) Adu Djan Vincent ; Adu Mispa Adjei FranciscaThe study focused to assess the knowledge and prevalence of tramadol abuse among students ofPresbyterian Senior High School, Berekum. A descriptive study design was used to collect in depth information for the study. The sample population was obtained using a proportionate stratified sampling technique. A total of 100 students were sampled for the study. The data for the study was collected by administering the questionnaire to the participants. The study found that Majority 63 (63%) of the respondents strongly agreed that taking larger amount of tramadol over time is a sign of tramadol addiction. Most 68 (68%) of the respondents strongly agreed that Tramadol should not be used by people younger than 18 years. Majority 78 (78%) of the respondents strongly agreed that peer pressure can influence one into tramadol abuse. Majority 45 (45%) of the respondents indicated that they heard about tramadol abuse on television.Majority 51 (51%) of the respondents indicated that peer pressure can cause one to abuse tramadol. Majority 41 (41%) of the respondents indicated that people abuse tramadol to relieve pain. Majority 47 (47%) of the respondents indicated that prolonged use of tramadol can cause heart attack. Majority 56 (56%) of the respondents strongly agreed that tramadol abuse can cause physical deformity.The study concluded that majority have heard about tramadol abuse, most of the respondents strongly agreed that taking larger amount of tramadol over time is a sign of tramadol addictionand majority indicated thatprolonged use causes heart attack