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    Factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding among mothers with infants attending C.W.C at Berekum Holy Family Hospital in Berekum East Municipality in the Bono Region of Ghana
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Gyaamah T., Kyeremaa P. and Opoku B. N.(2023).Factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding among mothers with infants attending C.W.C at Berekum Holy Family Hospital in Berekum East Municipality in the Bono Region of Ghana.Holy Family Nursing & Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    Purpose of the study: Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding among mothers with infants attending C.W.C at Berekum Holy Family Hospital in Berekum East Municipality in the Bono region of Ghana.Basic design of the study: The study adopted a cross-sectional design with a quantitative approach.Sampling technique: This research project utilizes simple random sampling method for recruiting mothers with infants for this study.Data collection tool: The study adopted questionnaire as the data collection method.Results: The survey involved 50 participants, primarily between the ages of 18 to 24 (50.0%), with a mean age of 25.8 years + 5.5 (SD). Among the respondents, the majority (68.0%) were married. In terms of occupational sources, the "Semi-skilled" category had the highest representation at 38.0%, followed by the "Skilled" category with 22.0% of the respondents.For religious denominations, Pentecostals were the largest group among Christians, accounting for 36%, followed by Protestants at 18%. Muslims represented 26% of the respondents. Regarding educational levels, the majority of respondents fell into the "Primary/JHS" category at 48%. In terms of ethnicity, 48% of the respondents identified as Akan. Gender-wise in infants, girls outnumbered boys, with a ratio of 58% to 42%. Infants aged 0-2.5 months constituted 70.0% of the entire sample. When determining the proportion of mothers who exclusively breastfed their infants, the results showed that the majority (68.0%) breastfed their babies during both day and night before the day of the interview. Additionally, 96.0% of the babies were not fed breast milk using a spoon, cup, bottle, or by another woman, and 56.0% of the babies did not receive any other food besides breastfeeding on the day before the interview.Regarding exclusive breastfeeding practices, 60% of mothers were successful in this practice. This success was influenced by various socio-demographic factors, including older ages of mothers (80.0%), married mothers (76.5%), skilled workers (81.8%), professional workers (80.0%) and Other government workers (100.0%), highest educational level/Tertiary(71.4%), and lower ages of infants (68.6%). Socio-cultural factors, such as relying on midwives or nurses for information (78.0%), belonging to community groups/associations that promote breastfeeding (50.0%) and cultural support for exclusive breastfeeding for infants aged 0-6 months (90.0%).In terms of attitudes, the majority of participants believed that exclusive breastfeeding for six months was good 92.0%, 78.0% indicated is not difficult, 94.0% felt confident in breastfeeding their babies, 46.0% did not feel confident in expressing or storing breast milk for others to feed their babies and 64.0% did not think it was good for infants to be fed formula from birth up to six months.Conclusions: The practice of exclusive breastfeeding among patients at HFH in the Berekum East Municipality is not meeting the desired standards. These findings highlight the intricate interplay of socio-demographic and socio-cultural factors that affect exclusive breastfeeding practices and offer valuable insights for the promotion and support of infant health and nutrition within the surveyed population. To address this issue, healthcare professionals should increase awareness about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and its benefits. Additionally, healthcare providers should help mothers develop their confidence by teaching them proper techniques for expressing breast milk, storing it, and introducing cup or spoon feeding as needed.
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    The understanding of newly diagnosed patients with hypertension (from 2years and below) at Holy Family Hospital, Berekum
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Debrah E. ,Takyiakwaa R. & Tetteh B.(2023).The understanding of newly diagnosed patients with hypertension (from 2years and below) at Holy Family Hospital, Berekum.Holy Family Nursing & Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    The study focused on the understanding of newly diagnosed patients with hypertension (from 2years and below) at holy family hospital, Berekum. The study has three main set objectives; to identify the general knowledge newly diagnosed hypertensive patients have on hypertension, to find out causes and predisposing factors on hypertension and to explore the extent to which patients at Holy Family Hospital, Berekum understand the pharmacological and non pharmacological management of hypertension. Simple random sampling was used in the selection of patients to participate in the study. In all, 50 people were selected from the hypertensive clinic of Holy Family Hospital, Berekum for this study. The data for the study was collected by administering the questionnaire to the participants.The respondents knowledge were assessed on hypertension, it came out clearly that they have fair knowledge on their condition (hypertension) as they were able to give fair information regarding causes (too much stress /overthinking ,more salt intake or spicy foods),they will report to the facility within month or two( 68%) they have adequate signs and symptoms like migraine ,palpitations just to mention a few though reasonable number did not show no sign or symptom this might be as a result of being new clients or the disease in question (hypertension). From the research, it came clearly that they adhere to the drug as prescribed by their doctors once daily or twice daily pertaining to newly diagnosed hypertensive patients. At the same time the effectiveness of the drug were very effective hovering around 96%. Some side effects were well known among respondents (headache, feeling weak, general feeling of unwell) (92%). Notwithstanding, there were some challenges ranging from forgetfulness which affects the interval of drug taking leading to skips of dosage and finally some are not able to tolerate some side effects of the drugThe study recommend that, The facility‟s method of managing hypertensive patient is recommendable in worth in relating it to other facilities, they should stress more on drug regimen and also further research should be done using clients less than 6 months as to know how newly diagnosed hypertensive patient can be managed properly. The study concluded that respondents have fair knowledge on hypertension. The overall stated causes of hypertension, drugs as well as side effects stated by respondents were in line with the ones stated in the literature.
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    Unplanned pregnancies among women of reproductive age in the Ayimom Community
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Ansuaa F. H. , Durowaa I. & Oteng J.(2023).Unplanned pregnancies among women of reproductive age in the Ayimom Community.Holy Family Nursing & Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    The study focused on unplanned pregnancies among women of reproductive age in the Ayimom community. A descriptive study design was used to collect in-depth information for the study. The sample population was obtained using a convenience sampling technique. A total of 30 women of reproductive were sampled for the study. The data for the study was collected by administering the questionnaire to the participants. The study found that most of the respondents rated the information given by the health care provider rated them good. Most of the respondents indicated that multiple sexual partners influence unplanned pregnancy. Most of the respondentsresponded that not using contraceptives is a common cause of unplanned pregnancy in their area. Some of the respondents indicated that lack of awareness about contraceptives contributes to unplanned pregnancy. Some respondents also indicated that the unavailability of birth control methods contributes to unplanned pregnancy. Majority of the respondents stated that sexually active women are at risk of unplanned pregnancies. Most of the respondents also indicated that abortion is an effect of unplanned pregnancy on the individual. The majority indicated that the use of family planning is the best preventive measure for unplanned pregnancy. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made. Contraceptives should be available at low or no cost to those who need them, and provide education on their usage. Women of reproductive age should have access to reproductive healthcare services, including family planning consultations, prenatal care, and STI testing and treatment. Community health programs that reach underserved populations, providing information and resources on family planning, reproductive health, and contraceptives. Mental health support and counseling services should be provided for individuals dealing with unplanned pregnancies. Peer support programs can be established so that women who have experience with family planning can provide guidance and share their knowledge with others
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    Knowledge, attitudes and practices about PMTCT of HIV/AIDS among pregnant women attending Antenatal Clinic at Zongo
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Amponsah K. G. ,Twumwaa T. & Konadu N.(2023).Knowledge, attitudes and practices about PMTCT of HIV/AIDS among pregnant women attending Antenatal Clinic at Zongo.Holy Family Nursing & Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    The study focused on knowledge, attitudes and practices about PMTCT of HIV/AIDS among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at zongo clinic, berekum. A descriptive study design was used to collect in-depth information for the study. The sample population was obtained using convenience sampling. A total of 50 nursing students were sampled for the study. The data for the study was collected by administering the questionnaire to the participants. The study found that the majority of the respondents (100%) agreed that HIV can be transmitted from a mother to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth and through breastfeeding. There was positive attitude of the pregnant women towards PMTCT services with early detection of the virus, given ART to reduce risk of child transmission and pregnant women testing with their partners. Health workers view effective management and care on testing for HIV though late antenatal care reduces its effectiveness. There was effective prevention from mother to child transmission which improves the health and wellbeing of the mother. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations have been made. The health workers conducting community awareness, campaigns, involving community leaders and spiritual leaders to communicate information about PMTCT, to promote male partner involvement and encouraging positive attitude towards PMTCT. The health workers continuing to educate the public to maintain knowledge and positive attitude towards PMTCT program. Simpler Research can the carried out on a larger scale for generalization
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    Cord care practices among mothers attending post natal care at Palm Avenue Maternity Home, Berekum
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2023-08-01) Kyeraa A., Abena A. & Yeboah W. O.(2023).Cord care practices among mothers attending Post Natal care at Palm Avenue Maternity home, Berekum.Holy Family Nursing & Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    The study was focused on the cord care practices among mothers attending post natal care at Palm Avenue Maternity Home, Berekum. A cross sectional descriptive study was used to collect in-depth information for the study. The sample population was obtained using a convenient sampling technique. A total of fifty (50) mothers (respondents) were selected for the study. The data for the study was collected by the administration of questionnaire to the participants. The study found out that, majority of the respondents had their baby’s cord dressed by their mothers. Majority of the respondents had knowledge about the correct method to care for the cord. All of the respondents (100) agreed that proper care of the cord prevents infection.Most of the respondents had knowledge about the techniques used in cord care. None of the respondents apply concoction (cow dang, pepsodent, mixture of chalk and salt) to the stump of the baby’s cord.The study concluded that majority of the respondents (68%) apply cream/ointment (chlorhexidine) on the cord and majority of the respondents (94%) had good knowledge on handwashing technique on cord care