Nursing Research

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    Impact of classroom environment on teaching and learning of the first 1st year Nursing and Midwifery Students in Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum., 2023-12-31) Boateng-A. K. & Bommo C. (2023). Impact of classroom environment on teaching and learning of the first 1st year Nursing and Midwifery Students in Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Berekum.Holy Family Nursing & Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    The study focused to find out the impact of Classroom environment on teaching and learning of the first 1st year Nursing and Midwifery Students in Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Berekum.A descriptive study design was used to collect in-depth information for the study. The sample population was obtained using a proportionate stratified sampling technique. The data for the study was collected by administering questionnaire to the participants. A total of 50 students were used for the study.The study found out that, majority of the students (94%) had knowledge about definition of classroom. Most of the respondents indicated that proper arrangement of physical environment and use of current curriculum (70%) was the way to effective classroom environment. Majority of the respondents (96%) of the respondents agreed that conducive classroom environment has a positive impact of the academic performance of students. Majority 86% of the respondents agreed that paraphrasing, active listening, eye contact and forceful listening are examples of receiving skills in effective communication. majority of the respondents (44%) believed punishment is the best way to correct bad behavior in students.Majority of the respondents (98%) agreed good teacher-student relationship ensures effective teaching and learning in the classroom.The study concluded that most of the respondents (94%) agreed that classroom provides an environment for free and open expression of ideas, opinions and beliefs and majority of the respondents (92%) agreed that conducive classroom environment has a positive impact of the academic performance of students.It was recommended that. teachers should ensure a good and conducive classroom environment for effective learning and teaching, enforcement of strict laws for students to abide by rules and regulations in the ensure effective teaching and learning and teachers should conduct test to ensure effective learning has taken place.
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    Assessment of students view on the quality and quantity of food served them and the impact it has on them on Campus-a study at Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Berekum in Berekum East Municipality in The Bono Region Of Ghana.
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum., 2023-12-31) Boakye F. I. & Boakye M. (2023). Assessment of students view on the quality and quantity of food served them and the impact it has on them on Campus-a study at Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Berekum in Berekum East Municipality in The Bono Region Of Ghana.Holy Family Nursing & Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    Purpose of the study: Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess students view on quality and quantity of food served from the kitchen and the impact it has on them on campus at HFNMTC Berekum.Basic design of the study: The study adopted a cross-sectional design with triangulation (both quantitative and qualitative) approach.Sampling technique: This research project utilizes simple random sampling method for selecting respondents for the study.Data collection tool: The study adopted questionnaire as the data collection method.Results: The survey involved 97 participants, primarily aged 18-30, with a mean age of 25.62 ± 4.50 standard deviation. The majority were female (66%), reflecting the typical gender distribution in nursing programs. Level 300 students represented the highest percentage (45.2%). Most respondents were single (89.7%), and the Akan ethnic group made up 72.3% of the participants. Regarding satisfaction with food quality from the school's kitchen, 41.6% expressed dissatisfaction whiles 58.4% expressed satisfaction of the quality of meal served from the kitchen. Additionally, a significant majority (59.3%) found the quantity of food served inadequate in which (40.7%) found the quantity of food served to be adequate. Concerning the impact of campus food on their well-being and academics, 53.0% felt it had a negative effect on their well-being and academics whiles 12.2% felt it had a positive or no effect on their well-being and academics. Rice and stew were the most preferred menu items (40.4%), while Banku was the least liked (28.6%). The majority (92.9%) supported menu changes to improve taste and variety. Student’s opinions on self-feeding were divergent;33.3% expressed their concern that the school should continue to feed them whiles 66.7% suggested that, the school should allow them to feed themselves. Moreover, 51.0% attended the dining hall consistently due to factors like food preferences, taste, convenience, and financial constraints whiles 49.0% do not attend. Many students (77.1%) acknowledged challenges on issues of food served from the kitchen on campus. With dissatisfaction on meal served on campus, 46.8% bought food from outside, 25.5% went to bed without eating, 21.3% relied on personal provisions, and 6.4% lodged complaints.Conclusions: The findings from this study clearly indicate the quality and quantity of meal served from the school’s kitchen did not meet students’ expectations. This information could play a pivotal role in effectively planning and implementing measures to amend the areas students pointed out in the study to match their satisfactory level.
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    Nurse-patient relationship at Holy Family hospital, Berekum; the patient’s perspective
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum., 2023-12-31) ANANE V. F. & AMPONSAH V. A. (2023). Nurse-patient relationship at Holy Family hospital, Berekum; the patient’s perspective.Holy Family Nursing & Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    The study sought to determine and identify patients’ perception about nurse patient relationship at Holy Family Hospital- Berekum, to better understand the nurse patient interaction at the hospital. Both quantitative and qualitative approach was used and a purposive sampling technique was used. Data was collected using a well-structured questionnaire. 52 patients were sampled for the study. Data collection techniques for the study was done through by administering questionnaire. Recovery and hospital attendance is greatly influenced by nurse patient interaction. Effective communication was found to be of relevance in the nurse patient relationship. Overall, the findings of the study have proved that the nurse patient relationship is of relevance since it has an impact on the health outcome of patients.The study recommend that Management of the Hospitals should put measures in place to correct nurses who maltreat patients and also well behaved nurses should be motivated by giving them incentives to boost their morale. Nurse should be encouraged to ensure they do well to interact and create enjoyable moments with patients so as to create an enabling environments
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    The effects of peer teaching on student performance at Holy Family Nursing And Midwifery Training College, Berekum
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum., 2023-12-31) Osei A. B. & Osei B. A. (2023). The effects of peer teaching on student performance at Holy Family Nursing And Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    The study focused on the effects of peer teaching on student performance at holy family nursing and midwifery training college, Berekum. A descriptive study design was used to collect indepth information for the study. The sample population was obtained using a convenience sampling. A total of 50 students were sampled for the study. The data for the study was collected by administering the questionnaire to the participants online. The study found that knowledge on the importance of peer teaching was high as majority (94%) of the respondents held that peer teaching helps in building self confidence and self-esteem. Majority (96%) of the respondents said that peer teaching enhances team working skills. Majority (100%) of respondents cited that they can communicate more freely with peers than with their instructor. Majority (74%) of the respondents indicated that peer tutors have insufficient knowledge on some delicate topics. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made. The study recommends more utilization of peer teaching in nursing schools. Students should be allowed to form discussion groups where peer teaching can be encouraged especially at the end of every topic. Group discussions should be encouraged to enable students who fear teachers to participate fully and ask questions to improve their performance.
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    A study to investigate the perception of student nurses on assessing knowledge, attitude and misconception of first year nursing students towards people living with HIV/AIDS.
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum., 2023-12-31) Agyei S. & Agyemang A. N. (2023).A study to investigate the perception of student nurses on assessing knowledge, attitude and misconception of first year nursing students towards people living with HIV/AIDS.Holy Family Nursing & Midwifery Training College, Berekum.
    This study addressed the problem of stigma and discrimination (SAD) exhibited by nurses against patients living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA). The study was conducted among student nurses in Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College, in Berekum, the Bono region of Ghana. It assessed their knowledge on HIV and examined the Attitude they exhibit in their care and relation with PLWHA and their misconceptions.The study was conducted with 50 randomly chosen respondents from the final year class, who responded to the questionnaires based on their personal experience in the care of PLWHA. A qualitative descriptive method was used in the study and SPSS version 21 was used in the data analysis.The study revealed that, majority of the respondents had adequate knowledge about HIV/AIDS as a disease. However, there were some respondents whose response suggested some sort of negative attitude towards PLWHA such as wearing two set of gloves when attending to an infected client, avoiding any social contact such as purchasing food from them and even avoiding conducting risky procedures on them, all with the excuse that they may get infected. The study also revealed that most of the nursing students had a positive attitude towards PLWHA despite their exposure to misconceptions and false claims.The study recommended that, Routine monitoring and evaluation of the practices of student nurses and Midwives during the care of people with HIV and AIDS should be organised by the Nurses and Midwifery Council so that various Health Institutions will ensure that their students conform to the standard guidelines and practices during the care of people living with HIV and AIDS in a way that conforms to the ethics of their professional