Patient/Family Care Study on Mr. A.R With Right inguino-Scrotal Hernia

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Abaa Gifty
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Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum
The word nursing derives its meaning from the Latin word “nutricus” which means nourishing. Many people believed that nursing started with Florence Nightingale, however nursing itself dates back to the beginning of motherhood when nurses were traditionally females. The history of nursing has its origin in the care of the infants and children, so all mothers were nurses. Thus, nursing was considered as a traditional medicine. Currently, nursing is considered as science and therefore makes use of the nursing process (which is similar to the scientific methods) as a tool for practice. The nursing process comprises of assessment of patient (data collection), analysis of data, planning of care, implementation and evaluation of care. It is therefore being made compulsory by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana that every final year student nurse presents a patient/ family care study which makes use of the nursing process, as a partial fulfillment for the award of Registered General Nursing certificate. The patient/family care study is a total nursing care rendered to a patient/family from the day of admission till the care is terminated during the last home visit. The main aim of the study is to equip the student nurse with nursing knowledge and practices in order to render an individualized /family centered and comprehensive nursing care to the patient from the day of admission till termination of care. The patient/family care study helps the student to put into practice knowledge acquired from courses such as microbiology, psychology, sociology, basic nursing, pharmacology and medical-surgical nursing in taking care of the patient/family. It helps the student to gather important information on a disease condition to provide a comprehensive nursing care to the patient and family. The patient /family’s initials has been used instead of their full names to maintain confidentiality.
This care study was supervised by Eric obeng