Nursing Care Study

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    A client/family centered maternity care study on madam Naomi Kwakye
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Esther Yeboah
    The client/family centered maternity care study is a systematic process in which nursing care is given to a pregnant woman and her family and the community, beginning from antenatal period through to labour and puerperium. The client/family centered maternity care study also help the student midwife to use new trends in midwifery like the pathography which is recommended and tested by the World Health Organization (WHO)in the management of labour. As health is an essential factor of life and everyone dreams of enjoying it, the family centered maternity care aims at helping these mothers and their families realize their dreams. This client centered maternity care helps the client/family to allay any anxiety during the pregnancy through to and the time of puerperium. In this event, the care given is to give special attention to the pregnant woman as unequaled individual who is care for in all facet of life including social, psychological, physical as well as mental well-being which is considered within the framework of the family, and community at large. The client/family centered maternity care study enables the pregnant woman to through pregnancy without any complication to herself and her unborn baby, have an uneventful labour and successful puerperium. Confidentiality was ensured throughout the duration of care to the client.
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    A patient/family care study on Pneumonia
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Hawa Yakubu Barry
    Nursing was just caring for the sick on the sick bed in the previous years. Under the influence of Florence Nightingale nursing profession has changed rapidly, from caring for the sick to include taking medical history and conducting physical examination which was not previous done. Patient and family care study consist of the nursing care rendered. The study is carried out by student nurses during their time of training to equip and put the knowledge and skills acquired into practice and also to render an individualized/family centered and comprehensive nursing care to the patient and family right from admission till patient recover. It involves interaction between the patient, family and the health team within specific time until patient care is terminated. It employs the use of nursing process which requires the nurse to assess the patient for problems, diagnosis based on the assessment data, plan necessary intervention, implement the plans and evaluate the outcome of the interventions. The study has prepared and built my confidence in me to enable face the tasks ahead of me after completing the three year Registered General Nursing Course. The comprehensive care rendered was made possible by the employment of skills and knowledge in such disciplines as psychology, public health nursing, medical nursing, surgical nursing, pharmacology and nutrition and dietetics to meet the patient/family needs and the community at large. To ensure confidentiality I chose to use my patients initials instead to ensure high sense of confidentiality
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    A patient/family care study on Peptic Ulcer Disease
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Mercy Twumasiwaa
    Nursing was “untaught” and instinctive. It was performed out of compassion for others, out of the wish to help others. Nursing was a function that belonged to women. It was viewed as a natural nurturing job for women. Nursing emerged as a profession in the mid-19th century. Historian‟s credit Florence Nightingale, a well-educated woman from Britain, as the founder of modern nursing. Nightingale challenged social norms – and her wealthy parents – by becoming a nurse. At the time, the public objected to the idea of women nursing strangers. But Nightingale saw nursing as an extraordinary opportunity for females. She believed they could use their education and scientific knowledge to improve patient care while gaining personal independence. In 1854, during the Crimean War, the British government requested Nightingale‟s aid at a military hospital in Turkey. Within weeks of her small team arriving, the mortality rate of British soldiers fell dramatically. Nightingale‟s accomplishments impressed the public and ultimately helped convince the Western world of the dignity and value of educated nurses. One prominent change in the evolution of the nursing profession is formalized education. The first training programs opened at hospitals in the late-19th century. Student nurses received clinical instruction in exchange for providing care to patients. During this period of training, nurses helped hospitals make tremendous improvements in safety and quality, and humanized medical care. By the second half of the 20th century, patient needs became more complex and hospitals required skilled nurses to manage them. The hospital-based education model thus declined in favor of training programs at colleges and universities. II The patient/family care study is a report of nursing care rendered to a patient and family by a final year student nurse in which a patient is selected from the ward, nursed from the day of admission till discharge and possible follow – up visits are made to maintain optimum level of health of the patient. The patient/family care study forms part of the assessment of every final year student. It is a prerequisite for every candidate in order to partially fulfill the award of license in Registered General Nursing by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. It affords the student the opportunity to develop his/her skills for future use. The patient and family care study enables the student nurse to do more research, interact and co–ordinate with other members of the health team for the promotion of comprehensive and quality health care to individuals and the community as a whole. The study also provides opportunity for the student nurse to use scientific methodology and holistic approach to nursing care. It helps the student nurse transform his/her theoretical knowledge acquired into practice so that the necessary skills and knowledge could be obtained for professional work. The care study builds up confidence in the student nurse and helps him/her to take up full responsibilities in caring for a patient and his/her family. Finally, it gives the student nurse some level of competence in rendering accurate nursing care using the nursing process approach
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    A patient and family care study on Hypertension
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Daniella Osei
    Formerly, nursing was just caring for the sick on the sick bed. The nursing profession began to change extremely under the inspiration of Florence Nightingale. Nursing has reformed the care for the sick to include taking of medical history and conducting physical examination which was previously the duty of the medical doctor. According to Virginia Henderson, nursing is the process of assisting the individual either sick or well in the performance of those activities which contribute to health or peaceful death that he would have performed unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge and to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence and rapidly as possible. Due to modernization, nursing has been changed to a holistic and individual nursing care of a patient by means of new techniques employed in the profession. To provide holistic and efficient nursing care to patient and family, the student nurse employs knowledge and skills in discipline such as psychology, sociology, surgery, pharmacology, public health and medicine to meet the needs of the patient, family and the community as a whole. Patient/Family care study is a written script on individualized nursing care rendered to a patient in relation to his disease condition at a specific period of time. The care is based on the theoretical and practical experience acquired by the student nurse through the three-year training. The study forms part of the assessment of the student nurse by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana for the award of a license to practice as a Registered General Nurse. The patient’s care was carried out using the nursing process.The study helps the student to gain ii knowledge in all areas of medical science to care for patients as individuals. The patient and family care study start from the day of admission to the time of discharge and continue in the community to ensure optimum health through home visits. The care aids the student nurse to have a clear knowledge and understanding of the disease, its incidence, frequency in human population and treatment. It also gives the patient and relatives knowledge on the disease and helps build interpersonal relationship between the nurse and the patient/family. For the purpose of confidentiality, the name of my patient and family were stated using initials instead of full names throughout the care study
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    A patient/family care study on Hypertension
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Naomi Oppong
    The patient/Family care study is a detailed description report of nursing care rendered to a patient and his or family from the day of admission till discharge whereby possible follow- up visits are made to maintain maximum health of the patient and prevent relapse. It gives an indepth description and a vivid explanation of how a patient response to a specified disease condition and the measures taken to resolve it. The patient/Family care study involves a record of nursing care, documenting the problems of the patient and how they are dealt with by the nurse and other multidisciplinary team members. It provides a systematic way of collecting data, analyzing information and reporting the results of the nursing care. This patient/family care study is based on the concept of holistic care, it uses the knowledge acquired through the nursing process approach. Nursing process is a systematic way of identifying the client’s problems, making plans to solve them, initiating the plans or assigning others to implement it and evaluating the extent to which the plan was effective in resolving the problems identified. Due to confidentiality and respecting patient’s rights, client and relatives names will be replaced by abbreviations. This care study was carried out in partial fulfillment for the award of professional license by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. It is an integral part of the curriculum for educating nursing students hence a prerequisite for completing the nursing program. It helps the student nurse transform his or her theoretical knowledge acquired into practice so that the necessary skills and knowledge could be obtained for professional work .This care study was done to acquire more knowledge about hypertension and its outcome to patient and family.