Nursing Care Study

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    A Patient/Family Centered Care Study On Bronchiolitis
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Agyei Ataa Francisca
    Patient and family Care Study is a written document of the Nursing Care rendered to a patient and his/her family within a stipulated period to meet the patient and family’s Physical, Psychological, Social and Spiritual needs. It gives the student the opportunity to put into practice the nursing experience he or she has acquired during training. In writing the case study, the student nurse must use the nursing process and the nursing experience he or she has acquired during the period of training. Information gathered during the assessment phase through interaction with the patient, his family, health workers and from literature review is used to give an accurate and proper nursing care to the patient and family members. The care study begins when patient first reports to the hospital, continues throughout admission and discharge and terminated with visits and rehabilitation at home. This study helps the student nurse to get detailed knowledge of the risk factors, causes, pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnostic investigations, treatment, and prevention of the disease condition of the patient chosen for the study. The in-depth knowledge of the condition helps to incorporate proper nursing care. It also helps students to establish good interpersonal relationships with patient and their families as well as the health team. It is for the above reasons that student nurses are given the opportunity to undertake such projects. The initials for the names of patients, family members, and clinicians involved in the study are used.
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    A patient/family care study on Pneumonia
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Agyei Ernest Yeboah
    Although the origins of nursing predate the mid-19th century, the history of professional nursing traditionally begins with Florence Nightingale. Nightingale, the well-educated daughter of wealthy British parents, defied social conventions and decided to become a nurse. The nursing of strangers, either in hospitals or in their homes, was not then seen as a respectable career for well bred ladies, who, if they wished to nurse, were expected to do so only for sick family and intimate friends. In a radical departure from these views, Nightingale believed that well-educated women, using scientific principles and informed education about healthy lifestyles, could dramatically improve the care of sick patients. Moreover, she believed that nursing provided an ideal independent calling full of intellectual and social freedom for women, who at that time had few other career options. In 1854 Nightingale had the opportunity to test her beliefs during Britain’s Crimean War. Newspaper stories reporting that sick and wounded Russian soldiers nursed by religious orders fared much better than British soldiers inflamed public opinion. In response, the British government asked Nightingale to take a small group of nurses to the military hospital at Scutari. Within days of their arrival, Nightingale and her nurses had reorganized the barracks hospital in accordance with 19th-century science: walls were scrubbed for sanitation, windows opened for ventilation, nourishing food prepared and served, and medications and treatments efficiently administered. Within weeks death rates plummeted, and soldiers were no longer sickened by infectious diseases arising from poor sanitary conditions. Within months a grateful public knew of the work of the “Lady with the Lamp,” who made nightly rounds comforting the sick and wounded. By the end of the 19th century, the entire Western world shared Nightingale’s belief in the worth of educated nurses. ii Nursing became professionalized after the Civil War. The Nightingale system of nurse training was adopted and offered at hospitals. After the war, the role of nurses evolved once again to become what it is today. Nurses became more authoritative and took control of their profession. Today, nurses remain the cornerstone of our healthcare system, especially those working with Clipboard Health. The field of nursing continues to grow, and more areas of specialization are open to nurses as technology evolves. Nurses continue to prove how integral they are, and at no time in recent history has this been more apparent than during the COVID-19 pandemic. Modern nursing is a profession that requires knowledge, skills and attitude. The ability to render comprehensive nursing care rests on the nurses’ ability to assess the client’s condition, analysis, plan, implement and evaluate the effects of management on client health status. The Patient/ family care study is a detailed account of nursing care rendered to the Patient and family to meet their needs. The study is designed to give a comprehensive nursing care to both patient and family from the time of admission till when patient is finally discharged to go home, as well as follow-ups or home visits for continuity of care. The study also involves the nursing process which involves assessment of patient/family, planning of care to be rendered, implementing the plan and evaluating care rendered to patient/ family. The study is carried out to enable the student nurse put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired from the three-year training period in school to ascertain how best the theoretical knowledge would be used to nurse patients who will come under his or her care in the near future. The study also forms part of the requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana for the award of license in General Nursing. In this study, initials of patient are used for confidentiality.
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    A patient and family care study on Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Antwi Marfowaa Salina
    Previously, care for the sick was considered to be the responsibilities of priests and religious groups. For instance, in the middle. Ages, care for the sick was then handled by the military and religious orders. However, in the 19th Century, Florence Nightingale provided defined rules for the preparation of nurses and redefined the face of the nursing practice. Since then, the scope of nursing has expanded remarkably to its modern state of comprehensive nursing, which involves a systematic process of data collection, problem diagnosis, analysis, care plan development and evaluation. The main objective of the nursing practice today is focused on the promotion, maintenance and restoration of healthy life for the individual, family and community as a whole. The patient and family care study is a comprehensive study carried out on patient with a particular disease condition. The study is based on the nursing process, a systematic method, which has the assessment, analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation as its components. The study provides knowledge and understanding of the causes, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of the patient's condition. It also gives an account of the actual nursing care rendered to a patient and his or her family from the time of admission until time of discharge. The study forms part of the academic requirements on obtaining the license to practice as a registered general nurse in Ghana. It offers the student nurse the chance to put into practice the theoretical knowledge and experiences gained during the period of training. It broadens the knowledge of the student nurse in terms of a particular disease condition and its management. The study helps the patient /family to comprehend and gain insight into the condition and improve upon their health status. Finally, it builds a good cordial relationship between the nurse and patient /family as well as other members of the health team.
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    A patient and family care study on Gastroenteritis
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Saeed Barikisu
    Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of the individual, families and communities so they may attain, maintain or recover optimal health and quality of life. This involves the promotion of health, treatment, prevention of illness and the care of ill. Patient /family care study is carried out by student nurses to enable them put into practice the knowledge and skills which they have acquired throughout their training and to render an individualized /family centered and comprehensive nursing care to patient from the day of admission till the patient recover. This helps the student nurse to encounter with the patient and gather important information on a disease condition in order to provide a comprehensive nursing care to the patient and family. This study serves as a requirement for the award of a professional license to practice by nurses and Midwives council of Ghana. Patient /Family initial have been used instead of their full names to ensure privacy and confidentiality as part of the ethics of the nurses and midwives council.
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    A patient/family care study on hypertension
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Dorecia Gyan Serwaa
    The patient and family care study is a detailed written account or report of the comprehensive individualized nursing care rendered to a particular patient and family within a specific period of time. This includes the study of the diagnosis, treatment and the actual nursing care rendered to the patient to meet his/her physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. It involves the interaction between the patient, his/her family, the community in which he/she stays and the health team. It forms part of the final assessment of the student nurse at the end of the three-year training program for a license to practice as a Registered General Nurse awarded by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. It presents the student the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge he or she acquires during training to give effective nursing care to a patient with reference to the patient’s condition. The care also helps the student nurse to acquire more knowledge about the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, causes and treatment of a specific disease condition managed by the student. The study serves as a reference paper for other student nurses and qualified health personnel who may be interested in its content. The patient’s initials were used to maintain confidentiality.