Assessing the factors preventing students from taking leadership role in Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College,Berekum

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Effah Godfred
Dinko Winpoa Portia-Freda
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Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum
The study focused on the factors preventing students from taking leadership role in Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Berekum. A descriptive study was used to collect in-depth information for the study. The respondents were obtained using the convenient sampling method. A total of 50 students were sampled for the study. The data for the study was collected by administering a questionnaire to the participants. The study found that all (100%) the respondents indicated they have heard of leadership role before. They were asked where they actually got the information from and about 72% of the respondents indicated that they had it from school, 16% indicate the church, 8% indicated Media, 2% also indicated sport and lastly to another 2% indicated their parents told them. Majority (96%) of the students indicated they have taken up leadership role before. In view of that 6% strongly agree that respecting students are is a major way of promoting their interest in taking leadership role with 94% agreeing. Also 80% strongly agreed that toleration of their views is another factor and 20% also agreed to that fact. Giving them authority was another category where 10% strongly agreed. The study recommended that the Management team of the school should participate in student government, the student leaders must live exemplify life in order to gain more respect from the student and the leaders must be given at least incentives and packaging to motivate them. The study concluded that respondents had adequate knowledge on leadership role. The leading source of information for respondents was the school. A significant number of the respondents had taken leadership role before. Most of these leadership roles were taken in school and churches
This research work was supervised by Joseph Appiah
Effah G. & Dinko W. P. F.(2022).Assessing the factors preventing students from taking leadership role in Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College,Berekum.Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum