The impact of poor Teacher-Students relationship on academic performance.A study at Holy Family NMTC,Berekum

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Nkrumah Belinda
Norvisi Grace
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Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum
The study focused on the impact of poor teacher-student relationship on the academic performance. A study at holy family nursing and midwifery training college, Berekum.” The study was carried out at the Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Berekum.The target population is the nursing and midwifery students of Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Berekum whereas the accessible population is all first year students and second year students of the College A descriptive study design was used for the study. A total of fifty (50) students were selected for the study. The respondents were obtained using the convenient sampling method. Data collection was done through the use of structured questionnaires consisting of closed-ended questions. This was chosen as the method of data collection because it is relatively cheaper, avoided embarrassment on the part of the respondents, and the complete anonymity of respondents. Questionnaires were shared with the students in their various classrooms during the class period.The study recommended that,Based on the outcome of this study, it is important that, as part of their efforts in improving students’ academic work, teachers should endeavor to deliberately establish good relationships with students. This could be done by expressing concerns not only about students’ academic work but also about other issues that confront them from the home. This would make students feel accepted and become motivated to cooperate and improve their academic work, Students are also expected to respect their teachers in order to ensure a good student teacher relationship, the teacher student interaction should be taken seriously by the school management in the behavioral impact on academic performance of students. With a focus on developing critical minds and democratic future leaders, there is a need for pre-service and in-service training on the teacher-student relationship. Students are again expected to dress in a decent way and properly in order not to seduce their teachers.The study concluded that, Less than half of the respondents (34%) were aged between 18 - 21 years, 50% of the respondents were aged between 22 - 25 years, Most of the respondents (62%) were females and 38% of the respondents were males and Most of the respondents (50%) were married, 48% of the respondents were single, 2% of the respondents were divorced and none of the respondents were widowed
This reseach work was supervised by Samuel Osafo Asare
Nkrumah B. & Norvisi G.(2022).The impact of poor Teacher-Students relationship on academic performance.A study at Holy Family NMTC,Berekum.Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum