A client / family centered maternity care study on Madam Mary Afosaa

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Hamdiya Adams Abrafi
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Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum
Client/Family centered maternity care study is a systematic way of administering midwifery care to a pregnant woman and her family throughout pregnancy, labour and puerperium. The Client/ Family Centered Maternity care study also helps the student midwife to use new trends in midwifery like the partograph which is recommended and tested by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the management of labour. The active management of third stage of labour was also introduced to limit the occurrences of postpartum haemorrhage. The maternity care study helps the student midwife to acquire knowledge which can be used to solve any problem associated with pregnancy, labor and puerperium. The competence of the student midwife is also tested in the practical aspect through the maternity care study which the student uses to identify both short- and long-term problems, set objectives for these problems and give intervention that will help her solve them. The main reason for carrying out this care study is to reduce maternal and infant mortality rate and to promote the health of the baby and mother, including the family. It is in this view that the World Health Organization (WHO) develops the partograph in managing the first stage of labor. Using this tool assists the midwife to identify any complication of labor for prompt intervention. The Client/Family centered care study is a required study that every final year student of Registered Midwifery programme is supposed to undertake to satisfy the Nursing and Midwifery Council to help contribute to the award of professional certificate in Registered Midwifery. To achieve these aims, the client, family and the community are all involved in the preparation towards the newborn. It is also necessary to establish good rapport, use a holistic care approach so that client’s problems and minor disorders are solved through education, counselling and early measures taken to prevent complication
This care study was supervised by Celestine Ahiawornu