Midwifery Care Study

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    A client and family centered care study on madam Akosua Saah
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Priscilla Yeboah 2
    Client/Family centered maternity care study is a systematic way of administering midwifery care to a pregnant woman and her family throughout pregnancy, labour and puerperium. The Client/ Family Centered Maternity care study also helps the student midwife to use new trends in midwifery like the partograph which is recommended and tested by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the management of labour. The active management of third stage of labour was also introduced to limit the occurrences of postpartum haemorrhage. The maternity care study helps the student midwife to acquire knowledge which can be used to solve any problem associated with pregnancy, labor and puerperium. The competence of the student midwife is also tested in the practical aspect through the maternity care study which the student uses to identify both short- and long-term problems, set objectives for these problems and give intervention that will help her solve them. The main reason for carrying out this care study is to reduce maternal and infant mortality rate and to promote the health of the baby and mother, including the family. It is in this view that the World Health Organization (WHO) develops the partograph in managing the first stage of labor. Using this tool assists the midwife to identify any complication of labor for prompt intervention. The Client/Family centered care study is a required study that every final year student of Registered Midwifery programme is supposed to undertake to satisfy the Nursing and Midwifery Council to help contribute to the award of professional certificate in Registered Midwifery. To achieve these aims, the client, family and the community are all involved in the preparation towards the newborn. It is also necessary to establish good rapport, use a holistic care approach so that client’s problems and minor disorders are solved through education, counselling and early measures taken to prevent complication.
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    A client/ family centered maternity care study on madam Yeboah Juliana
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Yeboah Priscilla
    Birth is a dynamic and transforming experience, both on an individual and the societal level, and has the power to profoundly affect the lives of those involved. It is a physiological process characterized by non-intervention, a supportive environment and empowerment of the woman. The client and family centered maternity care study is a study of the care rendered to a pregnant woman and her family. The study starts during pregnancy, continues through labour and ends aftera successful puerperium. The study gives the student midwife the opportunity to ensure proper management of pregnancy, labour and puerperium. The client and family centered maternity care study also forms part of the partial fulfilment for theaward of a professional certificate in midwifery by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghanaby the end of the three-year training as a midwife.
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    A client/family centered maternity care study on madam Twumwaa Patricia
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Alfreda Owusu Yeboah
    Family centred maternity care study is a comprehensive, evidenced based learning solution built to help you enhance your ability to understand, diagnose and treat common clinical problems in maternity care of an expectant mother, her family and the entire community during pregnancy, labour and puerperium. The care is individualized, based on identification and understanding of a client and family as unique people with specific needs and problems. These needs and problems could be psychological, physiological, emotional and spiritual which should be identified and solved. A comprehensive care is rendered based on the problems identified throughout pregnancy, labour and puerperium and solved using the nursing care plan. This helps to avoid complications which might arise during pregnancy, labour and puerperium. The study gives the student the opportunity to choose and nurse a client and her family throughout pregnancy, labour and puerperium and also prepare the family to receive the newborn using the knowledge acquired in the study of midwifery. It is also a requirement of the Nurses and Midwives council of Ghana, for the award of a professional registered midwifery certificate to students at the end of their three years study in school. ii
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    A client/family centered maternity care study on madam Madi Mariama
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Benedicta Tetteh
    The client and family centered maternity care study is a systematic midwifery care rendered to the expectant mother and her family base on the understanding of the client as a special individual with special needs and peculiar problem during pregnancy, labour and puerperium due to the fact that it is the dream of every pregnant woman to give birth to a healthy baby without any complications and abnormalities to both the mother and the baby. The study entails all aspect of the pregnant woman‘s life been it physical, mental, social and psychological wellbeing. The care is carried out within the family and the community she finds herself. The motive of this study is to prepare the pregnant woman to face labour, puerperium, initiation of breastfeeding and continuation of subsequent baby care. In other to achieve this aim, there was the need to involve the husband, friends, close relatives and the community she finds herself. It involves all the care given to a particular client and her family from the first day of contact during antenatal through labour up to one week postnatal to the mother and baby. The client and family centered maternity care study is centered on Madam Madi Mariama, a 25year old pregnant woman with obstetric history of gravida 2 para 1 alive (G2P1) during the period of pregnancy, labour and puerperium. The interaction with the client started on the 15 th of August, 2023 at Pentecost Health Centre in the Ahafo Region, during her 38 weeks gestation when she came for her antenatal visit, upon glancing through her maternal health records book, she falls within the criteria needed for the study, familiarity was built between myself and madam Mariama rapport was established and permission was sought from madam Mariama to be used for the study, she gladly agreed and we exchanged contacts. She was thanked for accepting the request and availing herself to be used for the study
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    A client/family centered maternity care study on madam Issaka Rashida
    (Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum, 2024-08-01) Sandra Bayele Tang
    Client/Family centered maternity care study is a systematic way of administering midwifery care to a pregnant woman and her family throughout pregnancy, labour and puerperium. The Client/ Family Centered Maternity care study also helps the student midwife to use new trends in midwifery like the partograph which is recommended and tested by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the management of labour. The active management of third stage of labour was also introduced to limit the occurrences of postpartum hemorrhage. The Client/Family centered maternity care study helps the student midwife to put into practice the Safe Motherhood initiative which has been adopted in order to help reduce the maternal mortality among pregnant women to improve the quality of health care through antenatal, labour and postnatal periods. The Client/Family centered care study is a required study that every final year student of Registered Midwifery programme is supposed to undertake to satisfy the Nursing and Midwifery Council to help contribute to the award of professional certificate in Registered Midwifery. To achieve these aims, the client, family and the community are all involved in the preparation towards the newborn. It is also necessary to establish good rapport, use a holistic care approach so that client’s problems and minor disorders are solved through education, counseling and early measures taken to prevent complication.