Attitude and practice of hand hygiene among market women atcentral market

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Asante Kumi Amanda
Tuah Esrher
Asum Freda
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Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum
This research work was supervivised by Rita Agyei Boakye
The study focused on the attitude and practice of hand hygiene among market women atcentral market. A descriptive study design was used to collect in-depth information for thestudy. The sample population was obtained using a convenient sampling technique. A total of 40 market women were sampled for the study. The data for the study was collected by administering the questionnaire to the participants. The study found that most of the respondent’s (87.5%) have good knowledge of proper hand hygiene. The majority of the respondents (95%) are of the opinion that artificial fingernails could increase the likelihood of colonization of hands with harmful germs. Majority of therespondents (90%) agree that hand hygiene should be performed in sequence. Majority of the respondents (60%) agree that hand rubbing causes skin dryness more than handwashing. Most of the respondents (60%) agree that insufficient time for hand hygiene hinder them from perform appropriate hand hygiene according to the recommended guidelines. Eighty percent (80%) of the respondents agree that hand hygiene is an essential part of their role. Majority of the respondents (77.5%) agree that they advise others to abide by the rules of hand hygiene
Asante K. A. ,Tuah E. & Asum F.(2022). Attitude and practice of hand hygiene among market women atcentral market.Holy Family NMTC Library, Berekum